Aquiferwin32 Modeling

Aquiferwin32 Summary
Aquiferwin32 Detailed Description
Aquiferwin32 Modeling

Aquiferwin32 Analyses
Aquiferwin32 WinFlow
Aquiferwin32 Graphic

Aquiferwin32, as well as being the easiest to use slug tests, pump tests, and step tests software, is also the most sophisticated software system for analytical groundwater flow modeling. slug tests screen shot 1The Modeling version of Aquiferwin32 extends many of the analytical analyses into a full featured modeling environment. The modeling capability goes beyond the pumping test simulation capabilities of the Professional version by supporting multiple pumping wells at variable pumping rates. The user-interface supports numerous analytic elements (wells, targets, ponds, linesinks, particle traces, streamlines etc.) which, when added to the map view, are conveniently displayed within a tree control in the left pane of a split view. Designed as a common user-interface for many analytical flow models, the Modeling version of Aquiferwin32 has separated the data from the models. In this manner, the components of a model like wells and calibration targets are added in a model independent manner. The user can then switch among various models to perform the calculations.

Units are no less important for analytical modeling than they are in aquifer test analysis. As stated in the aquifeslug tests screen shot 2r analysis summary, you can set the units on four summary parameter groups (time, length, pumping rate, transmissivity), save them to the system registry as the defaults, and never touch them again. The flexibility of entering data in whatever units you want and have the application perform the appropriate conversions seems to be unique to Aquiferwin32. Additionally, you can do specific or global unit changes without affecting the calculated results. As with aquifer analyses, you can perform on-the-fly unit conversions from the reported units to the units currently active within the analysis using the Data Conversion context menu item. In addition, the prevailing units of a particular parameter are available as ToolTips that are displayed when the mouse cursor points to the data field. The same is true for the status bar which displays calculated values for head/draw-down and velocity.

slug tests screen shot 3

The Modeling version of Aquiferwin32 supports auto-calibration using the same Marquardt (modified Gauss-Newton) nonlinear least-squares method employed slug tests screen shot 4for aquifer test analysis. Targets can be added to the model with associated head or drawdown versus time data. Pertinent aquifer parameters can be optimized while others can be held constant. Minimum and maximum acceptable limits can be enforced during the optimization. Quantitative measures of "goodness-of-fit" exist in the form of target statistics calculations that both summarize and present the details. Additionally, graphs showing observed and predicted values can also be generated. 

The user-interface supports both steady-state and transient simulations and calculation of streamlines and pslug tests screen shot 5article-traces. Contour maps of either head or drawdown are displayed over an optional site map. In the case of transient analyses, tab views are defined for each time-step to easily click among the results. Also, particle traces are clipped in time based on the time-step being viewed. An important note is that the paths of particles are not calculated based on a static head distribution; rather, calculations are based on transient velocities calculated as the particles move. This is an important point since variable pumping rates can significantly alter paths of particles over time. As you would expect, the graphics capabilities of tslug tests screen shot 6he contour view are extensive. Graphical displays are What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) and printable to any Windows printer driver. Extensive annotation capabilities have been included to customize maps and graphs to make them look the way you want them to. Advanced Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) features allow these maps and graphs to be copied the the Windows clipboard as pictures and metafiles and added directly to report documents produced in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. In those rare cases where it is necessary to export the graphics to other applications for modification, Aquiferwin32 has extensive export capabilities including Windows metafiles, AutoCAD DXF files, Surfer files, etc.

The user has full control of the contours including contour interval, fonts, line thickness, distance between labels, etc. Additionally color floods are available for impressive colorful presentations. The color bar to associate colors with head values is part of the totally custom legends that can be produced in Aquiferwin32. Parameters like Transmissivity, Storage Coefficient, Time, Contour Interval are all available as annotations to the map or to be included in legends or custom headers and footers.

The particular modeling calculations supported by an individual model are variable. The analytical solutions extended into the modeling environment do not support steady-state calculation, streamlines and are limited to the well and calibration target analytic elements; however they support everything else. WinFlow, currently included in the Modeling version, supports both steady-state and transient calculations, streamlines and the other analytic elements like linesinks, ponds and recharge. WinFlow does not support auto-calibration and vslug tests screen shot 7ariable pumping rates. The most important thing to note, however, is that the user-interface and graphical capabilities are common to all and moving from one model to another does not require a learning curve. Future model additions will likely support additional analytic elements and capabilities but the overall user-interface will remain very much the same. The goal is to provide one user-interface for both aquifer analysis and analytical groundwater flow modeling to minimize the need to learn several different applications. It will also enable those who develop such models to spend their time on the capabilities of the model and adopt a user-interface instead of reinvent the wheel.

Again, the recurring theme is that Aquiferwin32 represents a full featured analytical modeling tool with attention to detail and adherence to many of the Windows standards you are accustomed to in commercial software packages. This section has only touched on the highlights of the analytical flow modeling capabilities. We are just getting started in this area and hope to add third-party models and contaminant transport capabilities in the future.

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