Slug Test Analysis
- Hvorslev, 1951
- Time Lag and Soil Permeability in Ground-Water Observations
- Bouwer & Rice, 1976
- Slug test for determining hydraulic conductivity of unconfined aquifers with completely or partially penetrating wells
- Black, 1978
- The use of the slug test in groundwater investigations (Modified Bouwer & Rice unconfined aquifer slug test analysis using an exponential type curve)
- Cooper, Bredehoeft & Papadopulos, 1967
- Response of a Finite-Diameter Well to an Instantaneous Charge of Water
- KGS Model
- Slug test analysis for partially penetrating wells in confined or unconfined aquifers; Hyder, Butler, McElwee, and Liu, 1994 and Butler, 1998
Pumping Test Analysis
- Thiem, 1906 (Distance-Drawdown Method)
- Distance-Drawdown method with Jacob, 1963 unconfined
- Cooper and Jacob, 1946
- A generalized graphical method for evaluating formation
constants and summarizing well field history. (Cooper Jacob
Straight Line Method)
- Theis, 1935
- Constant discharge from a fully penetrating well in a
nonleaky aquifer
- Theis, 1935 (Unconfined)
- Constant discharge from a fully penetrating well in a
nonleaky aquifer
- Theis, 1946 (Recovery)
- Recovery test after constant discharge from a fully
penetrating well in a nonleaky aquifer
- Hantush, 1961
- Constant discharge from a partially penetrating well in
a nonleaky aquifer
- Papadopulos and Cooper, 1967
- Constant discharge from a fully penetrating penetrating
well of finite diameter in a nonleaky aquifer
- Hantush, 1960
- Constant discharge from a well in a leaky aquifer with
storage of water in the confining beds
- Hantush and Jacob, 1955
- Constant discharge from a fully penetrating well in a
leaky aquifer
- Hantush, 1964
- Constant discharge from a partially penetrating well in
a leaky aquifer
- Neuman, 1972
- Theory of flow in unconfined aquifers considering
delayed response of the water table
- Neuman, 1974
- Effects of partial penetration on flow in unconfined
aquifers considering delayed aquifer response
- Moench, 1984
- Double-Porosity Models for a Fissured Groundwater
Reservoir with Fracture Skin
Variable Rate Test Analysis
- Eden & Hazel, 1973
- Step-drawdown test analysis for fully penetrating well
in a confined aquifer. Determines well losses and aquifer
- Birsoy and Summers, 1980
- Variable or intermittent discharge rate analysis for
well in a confined aquifer. Determination of aquifer
transmissivity and storage.