MP & Associates
Κατάλογος Επιστημονικού Λογισμικού
Στην κατηγορία αυτή των προγραμμάτων περιλαμβάνονται προγράμματα για την ανάλυση, παράσταση και διαχείριση στατιστικών δεδομένων. Αναλυτικά περιλαμβάνονται τα παρακάτω προγράμματα:
- Stata, software for statistical analysis. Stata is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix computers. Stata is used by medical researchers, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, economists, sociologists, political scientists, geographers, psychologists, social scientists, and other research professionals needing to analyze data.
Win, Mac, UNIX
- Analyze variation with Pareto charts, control charts and process capability analysis. Improve quality with DOE. Enhance analysis with basic and advanced statistics. Report results with extremely flexible, customizable presentation-quality graphics.
DOS, Mac, Win
- Standard
- Powerful, Windows-based statistical analysis tool that combines a broad range of procedures with interactive graphics. Special features include the ability to automatically save and revise analyses and DDE which eliminates the need to import data from a spreadsheet. Other versions for advanced Quality Control and Experimental Design and professional edition with the addition of Time Series Analysis, Multivariate Statistics
and Advanced Linear Regression are available.
- Quality & Design
- Includes the standard package (as above) and more advanced quality control and experimental design statistics. Includes Statgraphics Plus for Windows Standard.
- Professional
- Includes more advanced multivariate statistics such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, log-linear analysis, principal components, and canonical correlations that go beyond the regression and ANOVA routines in Statgraphics Plus standard. Includes also advanced linear regression statistics and also time series analysis statistics. Includes also EVERYTHING that standard and quality and design versions include.
- Library of statistics and math functions for 1-2-3 and symphony: mean, mode, SD, percentiles, t-tests, skewness, kurtosis, covariance, correlation, r-squared, regression, standard error, Durbin-Watson, factorial, Fibonnaci, interpolation, range functions.
ABSTAT with On-Screen Option
- Powerful yet compact and easy to use-tool for surveys and statistics. Flexible data types, manipulation and reporting. File compatibility with popular software. Includes free on-screen option for computer administration of surveys.
Win, DOS
- Principal components analysis of empirical data, that permits interactive prediction and optimization with resul;ting mathematical models. factor subspaces automatically handle linearly dependent data.
- Fully integrated add-in for MS-Excel that displays results in customizable stylesheets. Includes 17 statistical tests includong McNemar, Wilcoxon, Fisher, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, Spearman, Kendal, Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman.
- Easy to use, IRT based item analysis and test scoring. One-, two-, or three-parameter logistic item response model.
DOS, Win
- IRT based analysis of binary items with multiple groups of respondents, multiple subtests, and estimation of latent distributions. IRT-test equating, DIF and DRIFT analysis. By Michele Zimowski, Eiji Muraki, Bob Mislevy and Darrell Bock.
- IRT-based analysis of binary items with multiple groups of respondents, multiple subtests and estimation of latent distributions. IRT-test equating, DIF and DRIFT analysis.
BIOM-PC Statistical Program
- Collection of computer programs that perform many of the commonly used statistical computations used in the biological sciencies including descriptive statistics, ANOVA, regression, frequency data and non-parametric statistics.
- Easy-to-use menu-driven system that automatically creates tables, graphics, analyses and reports for regulatory submissions. Includes balanced and unbalanced ANOVA for crossover and parallel studies, one-sided t-tests, Westlake confidence limits, power analysis, AH-values, descriptive statistics, Pharmacokinetic estimates AUC, AUMC, TMAX, BETA, terminal half-life.
BMDP Dynamic
- A version of PC -90 designed to run in 32-bit protected mode. Handles larger problems faster than PC-90.
BMDP New System for Windows
- Completely new Easy-to-use, true Windows statistical package. That includes descriptive statistics, t-tests, nonparametrics, frequency tables, regression and ANOVA. Fully interactive, all data, graphics, and analysis windows are dynamically linked.
- For your toyghest data analysis problems: complex ANOVAA designs with repeated measures and missing data, non-linear and stepwise regression, time series, survival analysis, maximum likilihood estimation, multivariate analyses and basics.
DOS, Win
- Menu-driven program for bootstrap and jackknife analysis. Performs resampling procedures, bootstrap and jackknife analysis of internal and external statistical applications. Input and analyze parameter estimates based on bootstrap or jackknife samples. Supports complete resampling analysis for several different models.
- Fast, reliable statistics for professionals. C-Stat makes statistics simple and can perform descriptive statistics, t-tests, multiple reggression, chi-square, ANOVA, bar charts, histograms and scatterplots.
DOS, Win
- create classification and regression trees with the first and only tree-structured data analysis program for DOS to automatically draw and prune trees. An excellent product to compare with CHAID and Knowledge Seeker. Requires SYSTAT or FASTAT.
- Unique, comprehensive, user-friendly statistical software package developed especially for clinical trials and related research.
- Full-featured, menu-driven, statistical package. ANOVA with repeated measures, multiple and stepwise regression, cross tabulation, non-linear regression and more. Extensive data management, reads and writes Dbase, WKS, DIF and ASCII files.
- Process up to 10 x 10 contingency tables. Calculates measures of association, similarity, agreement and mobility. Output the value computed for the requested index and the probability of the result.
- Exploratory data analysis and statistics program that provides complete and consistent integrated dynamic graphics and modern data analysis methods. A complete range of statistics and graphs. Unlimited file sizes. System 7.0 savvy and 32-bit clean.
Designer Research
- Expert system that helps design efficient empirical research projects to controlling extraneous variables, rouling out competing explanations and assuringinternal, external constuct and statistical validity.
- Non-parametric statistical analysis that includes two-samole tests of heterogeneity and dependence plus tests for heterogeneity for three or more samples.
- The electronicHandbook of Probability is extremely accurate and very fast and includes lots of graphics and technical information about 28 distributions (three non central). Solve for p values, percentage points and distribution parameters. 5 minute learning curve.
- User-friendly Windows program that estimates missing data and permits detailed exploration of the impact of missing data on many statistics. Includes EM algorithm. Read and write SPSS portable files, ASCII, tab-delimited.
- Interactive risk modeling and person-year tabulation. Survival, binomial, Poisson and case-control data. Generalized models including additive/multiplicative effects, time-dependent covariates and statification. Command-driven, fast. Handles large problems.
- Test a full range of structural equations models: multiple regression, multivariate regression, path analysis, simultaneous equations, latent variable models, confirmatory factor analysis, structured means analysis and multiple polpulation comparisons.
Mac, DOS, Win
- Easy-to-use statistics program for forecasting, financial analysis, market research, quality assurance. Windows-like environment includes pull-down menus and dialog boxes; 350 page hypertext system; statistical interpreter explains your results.
- Easy to learn and use program that includes descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, correlation, regression, goodness-of-fit, independence/homogeneity tests, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon signed-tank, Krukal-Wallis, Spearman and Kolgmogorov-smirnof tests. Has complex data transformations and graphics.
- Easy-to-use statistics package fot real world analyses. Includes basic statistics plus regression, ANOVA, correlation, non-parametric tests, factor, repeated measures, cross tabs and time series. Powerful 2D and 3D presentation graphics with many options.
DOS, Mac
- Calculates distibutions and disscriptive levels of significance (p-values) for esing independence or homogeneity in a contigency table with fixed marrginal totals. Includes Pearson's chi-square, likelihood rations, Freeman and Turkey's statistic, Kruskal-Wallis' H, Kendalls tau, Spearman's rank. Output the observed value, large sample approximations of the p-values, exact p-values or a Monte Carlo Estimate of the exact p-value.
- Examine linear, multiplicative or combined additive-multiplicative relationships. Independent variables can be continuous and categorical. GALIMA computes ML-estimates of the parameters of a generalizedgramma distribution which has attractive features including modeling response times.
- Generalized linear modeling software. GLIM is popular in life expectancy and mean-time-between-failure studies. Contains model options including Cox hazard analysis, contigency tables, survival models and more in a powerful command language.
HLM/2L and HLM/3L
- Hierarchical linear modeling for data with two or three levelsb of sampling. Now handles mainframe-size problems.
- Look up hundreds of statistical terms using hyper-text technology to place important definitions of statistical terms at your fingertips. Over 1,000 definitions, scrollable alphabetical lists, natural languageor glossary interface and DDE.
Win, DOS
- Statistical analysis designed for scientists, not statisticians. InStat guides you step-by-step through t-tests, ANOVA, nonparametric tests, contigency tables, linear regression, correlation and sample size calculations.
DOS, Mac
Kwik-Stat Basic and Professional Edition
- Basic Edition includes descriptive statistics, frequency and crosstabulations, regression and correlation, t-tests, ANOVA, survival analysis, multiple comparisons, nonparametrics, state-of-the-art graphics and more. Professional Edition indudes all BASIC features plus Quality Control Charts, Advanced ANOVA, Time Series Analysis, Advanced Regression, Pareto Charts, customized multiple comparisons, 3-D Spin Plot, presentation-quality graphics, and more. Basic & Pro Edition
Lisrel / Prelis
- Structural Equation Modeling with plain English input commands and interactive path diagrams. Confirmatory factor analysis, casual models, analysis of covariance structures, multi-sample analysis, ordinal and other non-normal variables, testing mean structures for multivariate data, bootstrap estimates, multivariate multinomial Probit, regression and more.
Mac, DOS, Win, UNIX
- A breakthrough for small-sample logistic regression. Exact inference for logistic regression that computes exact p-values and confidence intervals for small or imbalanced data sets that includes aymptotic p-values and confidence intervals for large data sets, matched case-control data under general M:N matching by conditional likelihood inference and with a friendly spreadsheet-style editor catering to both ungrouped and grouped data. Simple command driven interface. Import SAS, EGRET and ASCII files.
Mastering Statistits with Spreadsheets
- Teach students the basics of analytical statistics using an Excel spreadsheet. As student progress through a series of spreadsheet , templates, they learn how to use spreadsheets to develop graphs, create tables, and work with arrays.
Mathcad Statistics 1: Modeling and Simulation Application Pack
- Includes frequency distributions smoothing with running medians, multiple regression, exponential smoothing, simulation of multinomial experiments, operating characteristic curves, simulation of single server queues, shuffling elements of an array and generating random deviates. Requires Mathcad.
Win, DOS, Mac
Mathcad Statistics 2: Test and Estimation Application Pack
- Includes chi-square test for goodness of fit, two-way contigency tables, choosing the size for a t-test, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the mak sum test, Kolmogorov-Smirnof test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Estimating the mean of a normal population and bootstrap estimates for standards error. Requires Mathcad.
Win, DOS, Mac
Mathcad Topics in Statistics Electronic Book
- Topics includes choosing the sample size for a t-test on means, Kendall's rank, Spearman's rank, Kolgogorov-Smirnof test,, counting runs, jacknife estimates, simulating the mean of a normal population, operating characteristics curves, simulating a single server queue, shuffling elements of an array, combinatorial formulas and random deviates for simulation. Requires Mathcad.
Win, DOS, Mac
Mathcad Treasury of Statistics, Volume 1: Hypothesis Testing Electronic Book
- Includes population means and variances, testing proportions, multiple population parameters, sign test, signed rank test, Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, contigency tables and chi-square, ANOVA and tests of randomness. Requires Mathcad.
Win, DOS, Mac
Mathcad Treasury of Statistics, Volume 2: Data Analysis Electronic Book
- Includes point estimates, confidence intervals, least squares estimators, ANOVA, goodness-of-fit, multiple regression, cross volidation and prediction, non-linear modeling, data smoothing and descriminant analysis. Requires Mathcad.
Win, DOS, Mac
MATLAB Statistics Toolbox
- Comprehensive GUI system, based upon MATLAB for modeling and analyzing dynamic systems, including linear, non-linear, continuous, discrete and hybriid models. Requires MATLAB.
Win, Mac
Methodologist Tool Test
- Combines Statistical Navigator, WhichGraph, Ex-Sample and Hyperstat into an ideal tool for the statistician, researcher or data analyst.
- Menu-driven statistical system including descriptive statistics, regression, correlation, ANOVA, factorial ANOVA , hypothesis tests, 17 non-parametric tests, power, cross tabs, canonical, principal components, discriminant, cluster, distributions, graphics and more.
DOS, Win
- Για οικονομετρική ανάλυση δεδομένων χρονικών σειρών. Bοήθεια σε όλους τους ενδιαφερόμενους στην
αξιολόγηση και τον σχεδιασμό προηγμένων μοντέλλων χρονικών σειρών μιας και πολλών μεταβλητών.
Το Microfit είναι ένα interactive, πρόγραμμα με επιλογές μέσω μενού, με μιά πληθώρα δυνατοτήτων για την
εκτίμηση και τον έλεγχο εξισώσεων, την πρόγνωση (forecasting), την επεξεργασία δεδομένων, την διαχείριση αρχείων
και την εμφάνιση γραφικών. Είναι η τέλεια λύση για επιχειρήσεις, τράπεζες, διδασκαλία και έρευνα.
- Analyze variation with Pareto charts, control charts and process capability analysis. Improve quality with DOE. Enhance analysis with basic and advanced statistics. Report results with extremely flexible, customizable presentation-quality graphics.
DOS, Mac, Win
- Statistical data of various kinds can be entered and analyzed, using techniques ranging from stem and leaf plots to smoothed seasonal time-series plots and rotating 3-dimensional scatterplots and histograms. A vide range of statistics, confidence intenals and tests can be found for all data types. Statistical models can be created and graphically displayed, ranging from simple discrete and continuous distributions to 2-way ANOVA models, bivariate mixtures of distributions and Markov chain models. Samples can be repeatedly generated from models. Analysis of the sample-to-sample variation of graphical summaries, statistics, confidence intervals, p-values, etc. will illustrate most statistical concepts in introductory and second courses in statistics.
- Mokken Scale analysis for polychotomous items offers scaling facilities for the nonparametric cumulative Item Response Theory. Handles either dichotomous answers per item or items with three to ten ordered answer categories. MSP can construct one or more undimensional scales, evaluate the model fit of a given scale and find the extent to which the answer patterns follow the cumulative Guttman scalogram pattern.
Multilog 6
- IRT-based test analysis and scoring for multiple category items. Includes choice of graded logistic model, nominal or multinomial Logit model, and multiple-choice model (with guessing).
- Descriptive statistics, transformations, graphics and comprehensive tests including Student's t-test, linear regression, correlation, multiple regression, ANOVA, Fisher's Exact, McNemar's, Wilcoxon's, Mann-Whitney U, Spearman's and Kendall's rank.
Multivariance 7
- Complete general-purpose system for analysis of variance, covariance, regression or multivariate statistical techniques. Includes discriminant analysis, principle component analysis, canonical correlation analysis, Pothoff-Roy longitudinal data analysis.
MVSP - Multi-Variate Statistics Program
- Easy and inexpensive way to analyze your data. Performs principal components analysis, principal coordinates, correspodence/detrended correspondence analysis, cluster analysis with eighteen different distance or similarity measures and seven clustering strategies.
NCSS Advanced Statistics
- Includes canonical correlation, logistic regression, non-linear regression, response surfaces, item analysis, additional clustering algorithms, probability plots, ROC curves, Principal Components Analysis, ANOVA with repeated measures and MANOVA.
NCSS Advanced Tables
- Produces log linear models, multidimensional scaling and correspodence analysis.
NCSS Graphics
- Includes bar, pie, histograms, density plots, contour maps, scatter plots with brushing, rotating 3D plots, splines, function plots, error bars, box plots. Supports POSTCRIPT.
NCSS Statistical Software
- Easy-to-use, menu driven statistical analysis system. Base includes data management, descriptive statistics, t-tests, cross tabs, ANOVA, repeated measures, regression, factor, cluster, discriminant analysis and non parametric tests.
NCSS Survival Analysis
- Produce product limit survivorship. Estimate gamma, Weibull, normal, log normal, exponential and Rayleigh distributions. Perform Cox`s regression and group tests including log rank, Wilcoxon and Probit analysis.
NCSS Time Series
- Includes seasonal and non-sesasonal ARIMA models, automatic ARMA, spectral analysis, classical decomposition, exponential smoothing and more.
NCSS Bundle 1
- Includes the NCSS base and three of the modules.
NCSS Complete Bundle
- Includes the NCSS base and all modules.
- Statistical software that provides a model - for any given data configuration - that yields maximum accuracy. Includes optimal analogs of tranditional statisticals procedures including t-test, correlation, chi-square, phi, kappa, ANOVA, randomized block, cluster, correlation, Markov, log-linear models, probit, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, item analysis, cluster, time series, and more. multiple sample analysis, error screening, hold out and jackknife analysis, weighting and Monte Carlo simulation. Normative, ipsative and interactive data transformatios; Dunn and Sidac Bonferroni multiple comparison procedures.
- Easy, yet powerful analysis of circular data (angular or time). Calculates descriptive statistics, Rayleigh's, Watson's F-test and Chi-squared. Plots circular and linear histograms, raw data and uniformity plots.
- Powerful 4GL statistics and data management program. Highly portable. Includes ANOVA, tests, chi-square, cluster, contigency table, correlation, discriminant, factor, matrix, non-linear regression, QC, survival, t-tests and time series.
Parscale 2
- IRT analysis and scoring of multiple-category taring scale items. Designed for large-scale social survey and educational assessment. Applies Samejima`s model for graded categories or Likert-type data and Masters-Andrich`s partial credit model. Also analyzes mixtures of rating scale items and multiple-choice questions, subject to guessing.
- Non-linear regression modeling. Includes 36 predefined models, curved stripping, powerful graphics, AUC, peak cocentration, half-lives, weighted and interactively reweighted least squares, Akaike and Schwartz criteria, Levenberg-Marquart method, Gauss-Newton, Nelder Mead simplex, Maximum Likelihood, Probit and Tobit. Models can be specified as non-linear differential equation functions.
PV Wave: Statistics Toolkit
- Seamlessly integrates the world-renowed IMSL C/Start/Library with PV-WAVE. Get the ultimate in accurate, robust and efficient statistical routines for correlation, regression, analysis of variance, multivariate analysis, basics statisttics, random number generation, time series and forecasting and probability distribution functions and imverses.
- A new version of StatXact-3 specifically for SAS users, adding external StatXact procedures to the SAS System.
Resampling Sats
- Resampling - including the bootstrap - has revolutioniozed 1990`s statistics. Resampling Sats is an easy-to-use program and language for both experts and non-staticians. Conduct repeated simulations and bootstrapping with your data. Rated 4 stars by MacWorld.
DOS, Mac
- An affordable exploration level statistical calculation and plotting program providing uni, bi, and tri-variate operations. A RockWorks component.
Win, DOS
Rpower Basic
- Statistical, engineering and scientific package that offers analyses from curve fitting, matrix methods and filter design to 3D hidden line graphics.
Rpower Bundle
- Statistical, engineering and scientific package that offers analyses from curve fitting, matrix methods and filter design to 3D hidden line graphics.
Rpower Extended
- Statistical, engineering and scientific package that offers analyses from curve fitting, matrix methods and filter design to 3D hidden line graphics.
Rpower Scientific
- Statistical, engineering and scientific package that offers analyses from curve fitting, matrix methods and filter design to 3D hidden line graphics.
- Statistics program designed for working scientists. Includes t-tests, ANOVA, correlation, rates, proportions, nonparametric methods and more. Advisor helps you select the right-test. Handles missing or unbalanced data.
- Interactive environment which includes full-featured graphical data analysis and an object-oriented language that is extensible and customizable. Includes visualization, math, regression, ANOVA, multivariate, time series, survival and QC.
Win, DOS
S-Plus S+DOX
- S-PLUS add-on module for industrial experimental design that provides a customized set of graphics and analysis techniques for easier DOE. Helps eliminate unnecessary, repetitive and expensive experimentation. Provides fractional factorial, mixed factorial, response surface, saturated designs and robust product design (Taguchi) methods.
- Reduce your sample size if you have repeated measures (serial observations) and/or multiple endpoints by applying a directional multivariate nonparametric test (WMW-test or logrank test); four different hypotheses available, all data types, missing data and censored data (Wei and Lachin procedure). The ideal tool for two-group comparisons in a multi-faceted research regarding efficacy and/or safety. Confidence intervals, tests for equivalence.
- Advanced statistical package, that includes descriptive statistics, crosstabs, t-tests, ANOVA, GLIM, ANCOVA, multiple regression,, non-parametric statistics and more. A wide array of graphics are available.
SOLO Advanced Set
- Includes correlation analysis, logistic regression, non-linear regression, response surface analysis, ANOVA, MANOVA.
SOLO Categorical Data Analysis
- Performs log linear modeling, multidimensional scaling, and correspondence analysis.
SOLO Survival Analysis
- Includes 2-group nonparametric tests, multi-group non parametric tests, Cox's proportional hazard models, regression, censored regression and Probit analysis.
SPSS Advanced Statistics
- SPSS module which provides discriminant analysis, a matrix language, logistic regression, log-linear analysis, MANOVA, non-linear regression, Probit analysis and survival analysis.
Win, Mac
- Use a mouse and pull-down menus to build your analysis. Provides extensive data management, exploratory data analysis and statistics. Includes ANOVA, cluster, correlation, tables, factor, multi-dimensional scaling, non-parametric, regression, t-tests and reliability.
Mac, Win, UNIX
SPSS Categories
- SPSS module for the market researcher. Includes least-squares esimation, conjoint analysis, desins for fractional plans, corespodence anlysis (2-way), homoeneity analysis and non-linear canonical correlation analysis.
Win, Mac
- SPSS module that automatically analyzes the relationshiops between variables and presents the results in easy-to-read tree diagrams. Compare to Knowledge Seeker and SYSTAT CART.
SPSS Data Entry II
- Accurate and easy-to-use data entry for SPSS. Designed a customized data entry from with helpful notes, skip and fill rules and pop-up help messages. Clean or edit data.
SPSS Graphics
- Add-on module for SPSS/PC+ that can create more than 75 types of high-resolution charts. Complete editing and font support to create presentations.
Mac, DOS
- Statistics standard that is an add-on module for SPSS for the analysis of linear structural models and simultaneous equation models. Includes sophisticated tools for formulating, estimating and testing cassual models and for confirmatoryfactor analysis.
Win, DOS
SPSS Professional Statistics
- SPSS model for factor, cluster and discriminant analysis, as well as hypothesis testing.
Win, DOS
SPSS Tables
- Present complex results with this SPSS add-on. Control table format. Generate and display a variety of statistics. Creates publication-quality stub-and-bunner tables, contigency tables and multiresponse survey data.
SPSS Trends
- Comprehensive forecasting and time series add-on for SPSS. includes curve-fitting models, smoothing models, autoregression, spectral analysis, Box-Jenkins ARIMA, X11ARIMA and full diagnostic plotting capabilities.
Win, Mac
- Basic SPSS module that provides data management, transformation, file management, reporting, utilities and statistics. Includes ANOVA, correlation, cross tabs, descriptive statistics, t-tests, frequencies, means, nonparametrictests, regression, etc.
- Develop complex systems faster and with better quality. SSTAR enables you to evaluate the reliability of complex systems, as you test them.
Standard Curves
- Linear and log-linear regression on x-y data. Calculates slope, intercept, correlation coefficient, intensities and concentration. Display sample results on the plot. Standard and sample points are displayed by clicking on the curve.
Stat Helper Series
- Stat Helper I for introductory statistics students, offers an interactive approach to counting and probability problems, learning to compute both discrete and continuous probability distributions, calculating sample size, and estimating confidence intervals. A decision tree guides students' approach to problem-solving as the program enhances students' ability to read and identify the key elements of statistics problems. (Note: the program does not allow manipulation of raw data). Stat Helper II guides students in how to do ANOVA, simple regression, mean, proportion, and hypothesis testing problems, A-tests, T-tests, F-tests, analysis of variance and tests with proportions.
Stat Patch
- This series of modules, or "patches", covers statistical and quantitative methods for students in the behavioral and social sciences. Stat Patch helps students hone skills often required in introductory, non-mathematical courses. Nine modules cover percentile points, contingency tables, regression and correlation, compound and conditional probability, elementary significance testing (the binomial test), chi-square problems, confidence intervals, and analysis variance problems.
- Includes many commonly used statistical and mathematical tables that are hard to find in printed volumes. Stat-Assist generates custom tables and graphs on demand for more than 100 functions. Includes probability distributions, factorials, combinations, random numbers, gamma, beta, zeta, Fresnel Integrals, Elliptic integrals, special integrals, Chebyshev Polynomials, Hermite Polynomials, Laguerre Polynomials and Lagendre Polynomials.
Stat-Power 2
- Menu-driven system for efficient design of data analysis. Includes statistical power analysis, sample size, effect size, homogeneity of proportions, confidence limits, central and non central statistical distributions.
- Stata, software for statistical analysis. Stata is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix computers. Stata is used by medical researchers, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, economists, sociologists, political scientists, geographers, psychologists, social scientists, and other research professionals needing to analyze data.
Win, Mac, UNIX
- Electronic tables for MS Windows and MacIntosh systems. Works as a statistical sidekick that provides immediate access to the most commonly used statistical distributions. With just a few keystrokes, you can look up a distribution for either the tail area at a given value or percentile point associated with a given tail area. No more hunting for books of tables, interpolation calculators or table look-up errors. Continuous distributions include normal, chi-square, uniform and triangular.
Mac, Win
- Complete statistical system with many on-screen customizable presentation-quality graphics that are fully integrated with all procedures. Many statistics and graphics. Unlimited file size. DDE. Quick Statistica includes a subset of Statistica/W`s statistical features with the full graphics capability of Statistica/W.
Win, Mac
Statistical Navigator Professional
- Advises you on the use of over 200 different statistical analyses including hypothesis tests, multivariate analysis, scaling, classification, survival and reliability, ARIMA, Quality Control and EDA. Provides detailed justification of best analyses.
- Statistix is a comprehensive menu-driven statistical program that offers descriptive statistics, t-tests, non-parametric tests, regression, ANOVA, SPC, contiency tables., time series and graphics.
Statit-Base System
- Comprehensive data analysis functions including time series and forecasting for experimental data. Many custom features.
Statit-Custom Graphics
- Advanced graphics module for Statit.
- Advanced statistics module for Statit.
- Advanced statistical analysis and powerful graphics. Integrated graphical use interface; comprehensive statistics functions and math transforms, non-linear curve fitting, Quality Control, Time Series. Over 30 2D/3D business and scientific plot types.
StatView 4.0
- Integrated data analysis and presentation system designed for researchers and analysts that integrates data management, statistics and presentation tools in one powerful application. Analyses are dynamically linked to data.
Statview Survival Tools
- A drop-in tool which extends the capabilities of Statview by integrated a complete set of survival analysis and tables into the program. Nonparametric methods and regression models.
- The most widely used software for small-sample categorical and nonparametric data.
- Powerful statistics and scientific graphics software that is easy to use. Includes descriptive statistics, EDA, regression, ANOVA, discriminant analysis, canonical correlation, Principal Components Analysis, GLM, time series and many tests. A wide array of 2D and 3D color graphics.
- SYSTAT Supplement that offers logistic regression for binary and multinomial dependent variables estimated by maximum likelihood. Requires SYSTAT or FASTAT.
- SYSTAT Supplement that estimates a multiple regression model or analyses of covariance when the dependent variable is categorical and can take only one of two values. Requires SYSTAT or FASTAT.
Testfact 2
- Uses binary scored test data for classical iyem statistics, test scoring and MINRES or full-information item factor analysis to aid item selection and scale interpretation.
- EXACT nonparametric test program. Confidence intervals, sign-test, Wilcoxon signed rank, median-test, two-period crossover, Fisher 2XC, Hodges-Lehmann, Mann-Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Fisher-Pitman, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney, Mantel-Haenszel, etc.
Testimate, N and NSurv Bundle
- Bundle includes Testimate and two complementary programs for sampling N and Nsurv.
TURBO Spring-Stat-Win
- Interactive, menu-prompt driven, modular, full-featured statistical package with spreadsheet data management, 2D and 3D graphics and an expert system. Statistical modules range from simple descriptive statistics and cross-tabs to MDS, HCLUS, MANOVA, factor analysis, time-series and non-linear curve-fitting.
DOS, Win
- Excal-like spreadsheet for Windows for data management, statistics, and graphics. Includes regression, ANOVA, multivariate analysis and time series analysis.
Win, DOS
- takes full advantage of ind with pull-down menus, dialog boxes, mouse support and cut-and-paste. descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, Survival, Correlation, Regression, Factor, Cluster, Discriminant, Time series and Graphics.
- Avoid misleading conclusions with this menu-driven user-friendly program performs EXACT inference in ANOVA, Mixed Models, Regression, etc. Even under heteroscedasticity. The procedures are highly efficient in detecting significant experimental results.
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Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 10 Ιανουαρίου 2005 - Last Revised on January 10, 2005