MP & Associates
Κατάλογος Επιστημονικού Λογισμικού
Presentation Graphics
Στην κατηγορία αυτή των προγραμμάτων περιλαμβάνονται προγράμματα για τη δημιουργία γραφικών παρουσιάσεων. Αναλυτικά περιλαμβάνονται τα παρακάτω προγράμματα:
Aldus Persuasion
- Includes pie, bar, area, line, hi-lo-close, scatterplots, tables and organization charts. Supports TrueType fonts, PoS, TIFF, PCX, CGM, WMF, EPS, PICT, BMP, DRW, HPGL, PIC, ADI formats. Includes ready-to-use templates, transition effects, extensive drawing tools and layering. DDE, OLE, import TXT, Word, WordPerfect and AmiPro.
Mac, Win
- For graphics and technical professionals who want to use a high precision drawing package. New features include an envelope tool that changes objects to any shape, 3D effects, smart lines connect objects. Also includes high-end text features.
Mac, Win
- WYSIWYG program to create high-quality technical drawings. Ideal for apparatus diagrams, circuit diagrams, genetic maps, chemical symbols, landscape designs, forms, seminar announcements, etc. Works with CoPlot.
DeltaGraph Professional
- Powerful tool for designing dynamic and memorable charts for presentations. Every aspect of your chart is under your control, with extensive formatting options, build-in custom templates, integrated drawing tools and easy access to graphics and clip art.
Win, Mac
Freelance Graphics
- Includes pie, bar, column, area, line, hi-lo-close, radar/polar, audio, animation (MIDI), scatter plots, tables and organization charts. Supports TrueType fonts, PoS, TIFF, PCX, CGM, WMF, EPS, PICT, BMP, GIF and DRW formats. Includes extensive drawing and bitmap tools, ready-to-use templates and transition effects. DDE, OLE, import TXT, Word, WordPerfect and AmiPro. Network version available.
DOS, Win
Graph Master
- Powerful charting and graphing package that supports 2D and 3D charts. Apple Events, Publish and Subscribe, DAL. Scientific formula editor, pictograms and balloon help. Imports WKS, Excel, SYLK, TEXT, EPS, PICT. Export PICT, EPS and Scrapbook.
Harvard Graphics
- Includes pie, bar, column, area, line, hi-lo-close, radar, overlapped, multiple charts, audio, animation scatter plots, tables and organization charts. Supports TrueType fonts, PostScript, TIFF, PCX, CGM, WMF, EPS, PICT, BMP, GIF, DRW, Adobe Illustrator and WPG formats. Includes drawing, pointing and bitmap tools, clip art, ready-to-use templates and transition effects including branches. DDE, OLE, import TXT, Word, WordPerfect and AmiPro.
DOS, Win
IMSL Exponent Graphics
- 2D and 3D graphics library for technical applications. Includes Fortran and C application programming interface, built-in GUI for Graph customization and hundreds of code samples. Works with Microsoft's PowerStation 32 and Visual C++ compilers.
- Simplifies the process of analyzing and presenting statistical information. Handles large amounts of data, includes 16 plot types. Full screen editor. Powerful data transformations and numerical calculations can be performed on the programmable calculator.
Micrografx Designer
- Offers unequaled precision, power and performance for illustrating on the PC. It includes 3D drawing tools, a color separation utility and support for TRUMATCH, PANTONE and Focoltone color matching systems.
- Create and manage high quality overhead and 35-mm-slide presentations directly on screen. WYSIWYG display of actual typefaces, fonts and text styles. Charting tools for pie, bar, line, column and scatter plots. 400 clip art images. 40 templates.
Win, Mac
SlideWrite Plus
- Easy-to-use presentation graphics program designed for scientists and technical users. A complete range of 2D and 3D graphs with error bars, curve fitting, statistics and t-tests. Link to or import data from Lotus or ASCII files.
Win, DOS
SlideWrite Science Figure Pack
- Collections of symbols, drawings, maps and markers created for scientific and technical users. Select Figure Packs for Electronics and Logic, Science, Anatomy, Drugs, Maps, Chemistry and Cell.
DOS, Win
Stanford Graphics
- Presentation graphics program with more than 167 chart types: error-bat plots, bubble plots, histograms, 3D surfaces and contours. Curve fitting, Bessel functions, t-tests and more. Inport or link Lotus 1-2-3 or ASCII files. Handles large files.
- Vortex is a fast powerful, scientific graphics package for all platforms. Includes 2D and 3D scatter plots, surfaces, contours and vector flows. Shareware copies available.
- For enhancing presentations, object-based design lets you control individual images: move, resize, and reshape. Special effects: drawing, drop shadows, color and texture shading, numbers-to graphs conversions, rubberbonding, ellipses, etc.
- Suggests the correct graphs to use, ranked by suitability and identifies which of 20 programs can produce 100 different graphics and maps, including Excel, Harvard Graphics, SAS and more. Extensive hypertext descriptions and definitions.
WordPerfect Presentations
- Includes pie, bar, column, area, line, hi-lo-close, audio, scatter plots, tables and organization charts with hot links to spreadsheets. Includes ready-to-use templates and transition effects including branches, drawing, painting and bitmap tools. Supports TrueType and ATM fonts, TIFF, PCX, WMF, EPS, PICT, BMP, DXF, GEM, HPGL, IMG and WPG formats. OLE, import TXT, Word, WordPerfect and AmiPro.
DOS, Win
- Performs both 2D and 3D data plotting. Additional capabilities include multiple data set plotting, automatic scaling, filtering, curve fitting. FFTs and mathematical equation plotting.
DOS, Win
Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 9 Νοεμβρίου 2005 -Last Revised on November 9th, 2005
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