CoStat's "File : Open" lets you import data from almost anywhere: from the clipboard, from CoStat's native data files, and from a wide variety of other data file types: ASCII (comma, space, or tab separated, and columnar), the DOS version of CoStat, dBASE II-V, Excel (2-5, 95, 97, 2000), binary files (for example, from Fortran), Gauss Data/Matrix, Genstat GSH, Instat, Lotus WK1, MatLab, Minitab 8-11, MStat, Paradox 3-5, Quattro (WQ1, WB*), S+, SAS PC 6.03-11, SPSS for Windows, Stata 4-5, and Systat.
CoStat's "File : Save As" lets you save data in CoStat's native data file format or in several different ASCII formats. Data can also be saved to the clipboard.