- Changing the Axis Range - CoPlot can repeatedly move the center of
the X or Y axis' range. If you have long time series data, you can make a
graph which shows a portion of the data's X axis range and then have CoPlot
repeatedly move the center of the X axis so that it looks like a strip chart.
For orthographic graphs, this changes the viewpoint. (See CoPlot's Edit :
Graph : X Axis : Overview : Center Animation.)
(These take a long time to download completely.)
- Changing the Dataset - CoPlot can repeatedly change which column of
Y or Z column of data is plotted. Here is an example where the Z column is
changed. (See CoPlot's Edit : Graph : Dataset : 1 : Z Animation.)
(This takes a long time to download completely.)
- Spinning a 3D Graph- CoPlot can spin a 3D graph around a central
vertical axis. (See CoPlot's Edit : Graph : Graph : Overview : 3D Spin
Angle Animation.)
(This takes a long time to download completely.)
- Animating Drawing Objects - CoPlot can repeatedly change which
group of drawing objects is visible. In this example, one text object
("CoPlot") is stored in the first group. A progressively rotated and
progressively enlarged copy of that text object is stored in the second and
subsequent groups. The groups are then displayed one at a time. (See CoPlot's
Drawing : Groups : Animation.)
takes a long time to download completely.)
- Animation via Macros - This method of animation is more work to set
up than the other methods since it doesn't just involve pressing VCR-like
buttons. A macro can repeatedly make a group of changes to a drawing and then
redraw the drawing. In this example, a series of slightly different functions
is generated and plotted. Although this method of animation is more work, it
is extremely versatile. Many changes of any type may be made between each
frame of the movie. (See CoPlot's Macro.)
(This takes a long time to download completely, but is worth the wait.)