MP & Associates
Κατάλογος Επιστημονικού Λογισμικού
Chemical Drawing and Molecular Modeling
Στην κατηγορία αυτή των προγραμμάτων περιλαμβάνονται προγράμματα που βοηθούν στη σχεδίαση μορίων και χημικών δομών για ανάλυση και δημιουργία reports. Αναλυτικά περιλαμβάνονται τα παρακάτω προγράμματα:
Alchemy III
- Interactive 3D molecular visualization and analysis. Provides fragments and atoms including non-metallics, amino acids and nucleic bases. Real time rotation; relaxed and crossed stereo. Energy minimization, fitting and analysis, import from Brookhaven, CAS, etc.
Win, DOS, Mac
Ball and Stick
- Eeasy-to-use 3D molecular modeling package. Provides high quality image display and many features for importing, viewing, editing and printing publication quality molecular models. Create QuickTime movies, annotate graphics; includes over 200 structures.
Carbon 13 NMR Shift Prediction Module
- Display chemical shifts of selected structures. Requires ChemIntosh or ChemWindow.
Win, Mac
- Το ChemBuilder3D είναι το ΝΕΟ πρόγραμμα για την δημιουργία εξαιρετικά ακριβών 3D μοντέλων για μοριακό σχεδιασμό. Η προσθήκη του προγράμματος αυτού προσθέτει τις άμεσες δυνατότητες κατασκευής που είναι τόσο συχνά απαραίτητες. Το ChemBuilder3D συνδέεται απευθείας με το Sculpt και διαβάζει αι γράφει αρχεία PDB, MM3, MacroModel, και MDL Mol.
Win, Mac
- Features 40+ 2D diagram tools (bonds, rings, labels, orbitals, templates, fragments) with adjustable "snap-to" guides, customization (scale, rotate, stack, color, width, spacing) and page layout tools (graphics drawing, text editor, formula and symbol libraries, page/phot controls).
- Chemeleon monitors the Windows clipboard for chemical data. Whenever you switch to a different program, Chemeleon switches the format automatically and transparently. Cut-and-paste works seamlessly, without user intervention. Converts Hawk Scientific, HyperChem, Molecular Design, ISIS, ChemDraw, Alchemy, Kekule, PCMODEL, BioCAD and Softshell formats. Can also convert chemical structure files into WordPerfect, CGM, HP-GL, EPS and PICT files.
- Scientific desktop Publishing Software featuring more than 100 advanced tools including 3D structure rendering (ball-and-stick, spacefill, wireframe, 3D graphics, 3D labeling), 40+ 2D diagram tools (bonds, rings, labels, orbitals, templates, fragments) with adjustable "snap-to" guides, page ayout tools (graphics drawing, text editor, formula and symbol libraries, page/phot controls).
- Easy-to-use chemical structure drawing. Word processors check for spelling errors, ChemIntoshchecks for chemical structure errors. Use Hot keys to add atomic labels quickly. Supports cut-and-paste and communicates with other Software including ChemDraw, MDL and SCF files. Includes many tools to help draw acyclic chain tools, Lewis dots and trasition state daggers.
Chemistry 4-D Draw
- Next-generation drawing program that understands IUPAC nomenclature rules and automatically creates publication-quality structures. Includes "intelligent drawing tools": hot-key labeling, interactive 3-D rotations, full colors, export pictures and copy back. Create structure databases with "trivial names."
Chemistry for Windows
- Low cost, easy-to-use molecular modeler for high school and college students. Over 300 organic and inorganic compounds included. Molecules can be viewed in shorthand, full or ball-and-stick representations. Paste structure into any windows word-processor. Integrated with formula weight calculator and colorful element property database. Ideal for live classroom projection. As featured on cover of Curriculum Product News and in Compter Chronicles. Includes 100 page teachers guide and dictionary of chemistry.
- Intelligent drawing program that produces publication quality graphics. Converts chemical names (IUPAC) to structures (shorthand, kekule, semistructural). Powerful drawing, text and labeling tools. 3D rotation; color and object transformations.
- Powerful extension to HyperChem with improved molecular presentations including ball and stick renderings an 3D molecular orbitals. Automate building and viewing crystals and polysaccharides. Conformational searching capability. Rapid empirical calculation of molecular properties for QSAR studies.
- Flexible chemical drawing program. Design template palettes composed of frequently used structures, molecules, texts and reactions. Drag and drop editing; cut-and-paste to Word, WordPerfect and DTP programs. Links to ALCHEMY.
- Desktop Publishing for the Scientist! This new chemical structure design program assists you with chemical and structural formulas and experimental setups. Individual fragment library, graphic objects library, import/export functions as well as interface to popular word processing programs.
- 3D structure visualization program that includes 3D graphics (shading, depth-cues, perspective, multiple styles), realtime transformations (rotate, translate, zoom in 3D), "chemical smarts" (auto-identify, select, measure and label attributes) and 3D file format data exchange. Access 3D databases, examine/query structures and illustrate research papers.
- Easy-to-use chemical structure drawing. Word processors check for spelling errors, ChemWindow checks for chemical structure errors. Use Hot keys to add atomic labels quickly. Supports cut-and-paste and communicates with other Software including ChemDraw, MDL and SCF files. Includes many tools to help draw acyclic chain tools, Lewis dots and trasition state daggers.
ChemWindows Classic
- Easy-to-use chemistry drawing tool designed for forst time users.
CS Chem3D Ltd.
- A limited version of Chem3D Pro. This version does not perform energy minimization or molecular dynamics.
Win, Mac
- Creates 3D models of chemical structures. Use cut-and-paste within Chem3D/plus or import atomic coordinate data from otther programs. Enery minimization, molecular dynamics, color shading and MM2 potential modeling.
Mac, Win
CS ChemDraw
- Specialized tools for drawing chemical structures as well as powerful general-purpose drawing and text tools. You can organize ChemDraw structures with ChemFinder or transfer them to Chem3D for molecular modeling.
Win, Mac
CS ChemDraw Pro
- All of the features of ChemDraw plus user defined templates, color and tools for integrating ChemDraw structures with databases as Chemical Abstracts and MACCS.
Win, Mac, UNIX
CS ChemOffice Ltd.
- Educational introductory version. Integrates ChemDraw and Chem3D Ltd.
Mac, Win
CS ChemOffice/Pro
- Complete desktop solution for drawing, modeling and information management. ChemOffice/Pro includes ChemDraw/Pro, Chem-3D/Pro and ChemFinder in a seamlessly integrated product.
Mac, Win
DNA/RNA Builder
- Visualize nucleottide stereochemistry and create models of helical conformation double and single-standed DNA and RNA up to 1.200 atoms. Rotated views, Dreiding or ball-and-stick models. Cut-and-paste.
- Draw the structure you want to investigate using built-in drawing tools. Analyzes structure, separates the pi electron network, performs Huckel calculations and displays the results.
- Visualize, analyze and communicate information about molecular structures. Simulates chemical properties such as enery, heat of formattion, ionization potential, electronic affinity, dipole moment, and UV-visible and IR specttra absorption.
- Chemical structure drawing package that uses chemical intelligence to build structures and reactions. ISIS helps draw bonds in the proper direction, places hydrogen atoms properly. ISI even understands aromacity and valence limits. See ISIS/Base in the Chemisty section for more information.
Win, Mac
- Optical chemical structure recognition program., Use a scanner to get publication-quality graphics in seconds. Interprets chemical structures, produces connection tables. Supports MOLfile, ISIS, SMILES and ROSDAL structure interchange formats. Ask about Kekule Draw only!
Mac, Win
- Enables interactive visualization, anal and printing of macromolecules. Brookhaven PDB structures are included, and molecules can be designed as well. Molecules are depicted in a variety of styles, rotated, animated, and superimposed. Hydrogen bonds and interatomic distances displayed.
Mac, Win
Molecular Editor Academic
- Construct ball-and-stick, wire-frame or space-filling models and manipulate them in 3-D. Introduce every 3-D aspect of chemistry short of macromolecules with Molecular Editor. Explore symmetry properties, steric hidrances, connectivity, crystal unit cells and more. Built-in commands compute atom-to-atom distances, bond angles, and bond torsion angles. Enhance your studies of molecules with this molecule building program.
Molecular Presentation Graphic
- Easily draw chemical structures and merge them with WordPerfect, Word, PageMaker and Harvard Graphics documents. Automatic bond propagation. Enter labels and text anywhere on the diagram in many sizes, draw stereochemical symbols; draw and attach rings.
Win, DOS
Molecular Weight Calculator
- Use this handy desk accessory in determining the molecural weight (molar mass). The program uses internationally recognized atomic weights and the standard style of chemical texts and journals.
- Molecular model kit for visualization in 3D. Create CPK, Dreidingg-model, shaded or "billiard ball" solid atoms. Rotate and change internal coordinates. Compute electrostatic and non-bonded interaction energy.
- Build, examine, modify and transfer 3D molecular models and sophisticated 3D graphic images into other applications. Includes 3D structure library, 3D builder editor, fragment library, molecular syntax checker and 3D optimizer.
- High-quality molecular graphics. Visualize structures with up to 32.000 atoms and create publication-quality images, slides and smooth motion animation, Display options include bonds only, van der Waals spheres, spheres and bonds, hollow sphere, or CPK models. Reads Cartesian, Chem3D, Alchemy II, Moldat, Brookhaven PDB, Concord and other formats.
Personal CAChe
- Build, predict and visualize che structures, properties and reactivity. Examine spatial relationships, analyze geometry and energy conformations and investigate properties, reaction thermodynamics, kinetics and pathways.
- To Sculpt κάνει πανεύκολη την οπτικοποίηση σύνθετων και δυναμικών 3D μοριακών αντιδράσεων, παρέχει δυναμική κίνηση στην οθόνη μοριακών ομοιωμάτων διαλυμάτων και αντιδράσεων και παρουσιάζει τις μακράς διαρκείας επιδράσεις της αλλαγής της δομής από μικρά μόρια μέχρι μεγάλες πρωτείνες και DNA. Συμβατό με δημοφιή σχεδιαστικά εργαλεία όπως τα ChemOffice, ISIS/Draw, και ChemWindow, το Sculpt ίσως να είναι το πιό συναρπαστικό εργαλείο σήμερα για την παρουσίαση μοριακών αντιδράσεων σε δυναμικές συνθήκες παρουσίασης σε πραγματικό χρόνο.
Win, Mac
- Visualize 3D structure of molecules with this self-paced study aid that uses graphics and animation to depict spatial relationships in true perspective presentations. Includes MacMolecule which displays 3D color models of molecules and allows interactive rotation of the models.
Συνδεθείτε με τα επόμενα ενδιαφέροντα Sites και δεν θα χάσετε!
Sculpt & ChemBuilder3D
CS ChemDraw, CS ChemDraw3D, CS ChemFinder, CS ChemOffice
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Κατάλογο εργαλείων προγραμματισμού σε Windows και για τον Web
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Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 9 Νοεμβρίου 2005 - Last Revised on November 9th 2005
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