MP & Associates
Κατάλογος Επιστημονικού Λογισμικού
Βιολογία & Ιατρική
Στην κατηγορία αυτή των προγραμμάτων περιλαμβάνονται προγράμματα που βοηθούν στην γενετική έρευνα, την μοριακή βιολογία, την έρευνα επιδημιών και την ιατρική εκπαίδευση. Αναλυτικά περιλαμβάνονται τα παρακάτω προγράμματα:
EaSt 2000
Interactive Software and Consulting Services for the Design and Interim Monitoring of Group-Sequential Clinical Trials.
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Intuitive tools for design and analysis of epidemiological studies. Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
Software for Dose-Response Modeling, Benchmark Dose Estimation and Risk Assessment. Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
Action Potential Tutorial
- Covers membrane potentials, voltage clamp, sodium action potential, refractory periods, and axon condution. Animated flowcharts demonstrate the various effects ot polarization change on cellular behavior. In "model" mode, students can set their own scenarios and discover the effects themselves.
- Fast, comprehensive analysis of data from longitudinal growth studies for structural and nonstructural auxological analysis of human growth in standing height or recumbent length.
Axon Imaging WorkBench
- Cost-effective and practical tool for ratiometric, nonratiometric and intrinsic signal processing of fluorescent video images. Includes powerful features including on-line results charting, automatic background subtraction and step-by-step dye calibration.
Biology Laboratory Series
- Tutorial series contains 14 biology topics, including potentials, specific animal anatomy srtucture and more. Text and animation illustrate and demonstrate the principles of each topic with a lab exercise that is divided into six sections: background, equipment, methods, data analysis, questions and references. Inludes Crab ion balance, Cockroach Nerve Cord, Crayfish Membrane Potential Lab, Effect of Size on Mouse Metabolism, Motise Thyroid Gland, Frog Gastrocnemius Muscle, Frog Sciatic Nerve, Frog Heart, Water and lon Movement Across Frog Skin, Human Lung, Human Electrocardiogram, Postsynaptic Potentials in Crab Stretcher Muscle, Postsynaptic Potentials Lab and Rat Uterus Smooth Muscle.
Biology Tutorial Series
- Explore specific biologic topics including structures of chemical synapses, postsynaptic potentials, actial potentials, and postsynaptic cells and receptors. Tides rnclude Membrane Potential Tutorial, Action Potential Tutorial, Think Tank, The Chemical Synapse Tutorial, and The Muscle Tutorial.
Brain Games: An Introduction to Neuropsychology
- Learn about basic brain/behavior relationships with seven fascinating tests including word recognition, tile finding, memory game, number span, stroop effect, and symbol codes. Based on diagnostic tools used by clinicians to help assess brain damage after injury or disease. The documentation provides detailed discussions of the neuropsychological rationale underlying each test.
- Quickly generate interactive restriction maps, partial or complete digest with one or more enzymes, display sticky fragments, search DNA for consensus sequences, read GenBank and EMBL. Includes an interactive Windowing environment with direct links between graphic sites, restriction fragments and nucleotide sequences.
- CD-ROM version of the CANCERLIT database produced by the National Cancer Institute for the past 4 years. Advanced natural language bibliographic search capabilities. Network compatible.
Chemical Synapse Tutorial
- Includes topics on the structure of chemical synapses, presynaptic and quantal theory, postsynaptic cell, excitatory vs. inhibitory synapses, presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibition, and facilitation.
Drug Dosage Calculator
- Convert between most household units, prepare intravenous solutions, calculate intravenous infusion flow rates and drug dosages based on age group.
EaSt 2000
Interactive Software and Consulting Services for the Design and Interim Monitoring of Group-Sequential Clinical Trials.
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
Intuitive tools for design and analysis of epidemiological studies. Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
Enzyme Kinetics
Analyze, manage and graphically evaluate experimental data. Import data from Beckman DU600 and DU700 spectrophotometers and display up to 300 data points. Plot Michaelis-Menten kinetics, Ki and Kii, Km, Vmax, Kcat and more.. Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
General Protein Mass Analysis for Windows. Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
Medical Illustrations-Anatomy Collections I & II
- Anatomy collection 1 contains 130 images and includes Anatomical Orientations, the Skeletal System, and the Muscular System. Anatomy Collection II contains 159 images including the Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, Urogenital and Endocrine system and the Sensory Organs. Works with almost all word-processing, desktop publishing or graphics program. Picked per collection. Call for bundle pricing on both collections.
Win, Mac
Newroanatomy Foundations Academic
- 3D brain dissections, diagrams, and explanatory text present the brain's architecture with detail and darity, including cerebral hemispheres, subcortical structures cerebellum, brain stem, and major cerebral fiber tracts. Gives students the flexibility to pursue specific topics of interest or use as a reference.
Peptide Companion
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Protein Predictor
- Create, edit and save peptide sequences, ny enteringg IUB 1-letter codes, using a neural network-based predictor. Generate graphs starting at any residue number, Sequence properties, homology matrices, molecular weight and percent composition.
Protein Tools
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RadLine Biomedical Literature (CD-ROM)
- Easy, low cost and rapid access to the journal literature most frequently used by Radiologists. Advanced natural language bibliographic search capabilities. Network compatible.
Mac, Win
RAMAS Ecological Software
RAMAS is software for building ecological models and for teaching ecology and
environmental science. RAMAS programs incorporate species-specific data to predict
the future changes in the population and assess the risk of population extinction
or explosion and chances of recovery from a disturbance. All programs have
user-friendly menu systems and context-sensitive, on-line help facilities. They
come with detailed manuals that introduce basics of population modeling, and sample
files that contain models of endangered and rare species. Results can be viewed on
screen or printed, both as graphs and as numerical tables. Input data and results
can be saved to disk files. RAMAS software is used at more than 1000 institutions,
laboratories and government offices and by thousands of students in 40 countries
worldwide. It's used by ecologists, resource managers, and population biologists
who need to predict population structure and size through time and assess population
and species extinction risks.
Programs offered are the following:
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ToxLine Plus (CD-ROM)
- Comprehensive toxicological reference information from BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts Services, international Pharmaceutical Abstracts and the National Library pf Medicine.
Software for Dose-Response Modeling, Benchmark Dose Estimation and Risk Assessment. Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
Scan Analysis
- Turn your scanner into an affordable densitometer. Analyze any TIFF file and integrate regions on gels, autoradiograms, TLC plates or other scanned materials. Peak sensing or manual integration. PICT export.
- FUN! Advanced biological simulation that allows you to design plants and animals from the genetic level to influence how they look, act and eventually evolve. Test your creation's adaptive abilities and play with genetics, food webs, mutations, etc.
Win, Mac
- Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use package for building and simulating models of scientific dynamic systems and processes. Map processes usingg building block icons which automatically generate equations for simulation. Output includes graphs, tables, diagram animation or QuickTime movies. Multi-run sensitivity analyses for "what ifs". Create multimedia teaching environments with the Authoring Version.
Win, Mac
Think Tank
- Experiment with differentiation between chemical synapses electrical synapses, and no synapses. Students design an experiment in animal physiology by choosing from three options: stimulation of the nerve, injection of a compound, or histology and the progam provides the results.
Software for Dose-Response Modeling, Benchmark Dose Estimation and Risk Assessment. Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ!
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Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 30 Mαρτίου 2010 - Last Revised on March 30th 2010
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